2012年5月20日 星期日

Javascript 線上練習環境

jsfiddle 簡介

提供線上練習 Javascript 框架(Framework) ,例如:JQuery, Prototype, Mootools, YUI, Dojo ... 等等。 練習環境分為兩個區塊,左邊區塊為設定使用的 framework 或 其他相關設定,右邊區塊為撰寫 CSS + JavaScript + HTML 與結果。 另外,申請帳號後,寫完程式可儲存並分享給其他人喔!http://jsfiddle.net/

範例 Hello jQuery

  • 關鍵字 "jQuery" 與 "$"
  • 動態增加 CSS .addClass()
  • 動態附加元件.appendTo()
  • 動態增加按鈕及按鈕屬性 JQuery()
  • 按鈕事件綁定 .click()
  • 動態切換 CSS .toggleClass()
附註:以上關鍵字可參考 JQuery API:http://api.jquery.com/

7 則留言:

  1. David Walsh is Mozilla’s senior web developer, and the core developer for the MooTools
    Javascript Framework. David’s blog reflects his skills in HTML/5, JS and CSS, and offers a ton
    of engaging advice and insight into front-end technologies. Even more obvious is his passion
    for open source contribution and trial-and-error development, making his blog one of the
    most honest and engaging around.
    Website: davidwalsh.name

  2. David Walsh is Mozilla’s senior web developer, and the core developer for the MooTools Javascript Framework. David’s blog reflects his skills in HTML/5, JS and CSS, and offers a ton of engaging advice and insight into front-end technologies. Even more obvious is his passion for open source contribution and trial-and-error development, making his blog one of the most honest and engaging around.
    Website: davidwalsh.name

  3. David Walsh is Mozilla’s senior web developer, and the core developer for the MooTools Javascript Framework. David’s blog reflects his skills in HTML/5, JS and CSS, and offers a ton of engaging advice and insight into front-end technologies. Even more obvious is his passion for open source contribution and trial-and-error development, making his blog one of the most honest and engaging around.
    Website: davidwalsh.name

  4. David Walsh is Mozilla’s senior web developer, and the core developer for the MooTools Javascript Framework. David’s blog reflects his skills in HTML/5, JS and CSS, and offers a ton of engaging advice and insight into front-end technologies. Even more obvious is his passion for open source contribution and trial-and-error development, making his blog one of the most honest and engaging around.
    Website: davidwalsh.name

  5. David Walsh is Mozilla’s senior web developer, and the core developer for the MooTools Javascript Framework. David’s blog reflects his skills in HTML/5, JS and CSS, and offers a ton of engaging advice and insight into front-end technologies. Even more obvious is his passion for open source contribution and trial-and-error development, making his blog one of the most honest and engaging around.
    Website: davidwalsh.name

  6. David Walsh is Mozilla’s senior web developer, and the core developer for the MooTools Javascript Framework. David’s blog reflects his skills in HTML/5, JS and CSS, and offers a ton of engaging advice and insight into front-end technologies. Even more obvious is his passion for open source contribution and trial-and-error development, making his blog one of the most honest and engaging around.
    Website: davidwalsh.name

  7. David Walsh is Mozilla’s senior web developer, and the core developer for the MooTools Javascript Framework. David’s blog reflects his skills in HTML/5, JS and CSS, and offers a ton of engaging advice and insight into front-end technologies. Even more obvious is his passion for open source contribution and trial-and-error development, making his blog one of the most honest and engaging around.
    Website: davidwalsh.name
